Monday, May 2, 2016

Today in my senior project I met Tom Flynn and Eric Geib, they  were very nice people. I met them at the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center, which, as the name implies, teaches hunter education.  Unfortunately most of the work they had planed for me was outside and it was raining so today I cleaned guns. It was a good experience. They provide guns for the classes they teach and it is important that they are clean and safe. 


  1. Glad you are there and getting your Senior Project started!

  2. Way to make the most out of your birthday Lucas!!!! Love seeing the photos that go with your blogs. Cant wait to read and see more.

  3. Way to make the most out of your birthday Lucas!!!! Love seeing the photos that go with your blogs. Cant wait to read and see more.

  4. Something good came out of a rainy day!...clean guns = safety!!

  5. Thanks for the update Lucas!
